ALL INTERNET CONNECTIONS CUT OFF IN MYANMAR (my country). PROTESTERS ARE BEING HALTED BY THE MILITARY AND POLICE. THESE ARE THE LAST IMAGES WE IN OTHER COUNTRIES RECIEVED. I need to let the world know, please tell me what I should do to achieve that. subreddits I can post, steps I can take etc.

So an entire country and everyone in it deserves to suffer for.. how long would suffice for you to be satisfied? What would you like the punishment to be? What would be enough for you?

You understand it’s not just the lack of internet right? It’s basic liberties that will slowly and surely be stripped away. It’s the almost guaranteed loss of life if the military doesn’t get their way.

And that same military that committed the actual genocide is the one back in power.. that’s fine by you?

At this point is it actual karmic justice you seek? Or just to feel morally superior and to flaunt your “knowledge” on the matter for internet karma?

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