Why is it that all the news on trans people seem to always revolve around trans-women?

The world hates trans women in particular, because the world hates all women who don't conform to the hierarchy that has been constructed.

But isn't this a bit contradictory, as a lot of the hate specifically includes not acknowledging that trans women are women?

I agree that misogyny is the cause for a lot of it, but I would argue that it's not really as the word implies. In my opinion (and experience), it's not so much a hate of women, but more generally a hate of all things non-(stereotypical/"traditionally"-)male. This also goes hand in hand with the generic masculine. Male is normal. Everything else is abnormal and to be distrusted (which besides women and trans people includes gay men, androgynous or intersex people, etc. Essentially the whole LGBTQIA+ community.)

Then comes a whole pile of more fucked up thought. Women (or rather females) and therefore trans men are helpless and passive and weak, and therefore not a real threat.
Men (males) are the only real actors, so trans women are dangerous, because they hide behind a veneer of passiveness, while still being the aggressors.
All complete bullshit.

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