In the alley scene in Collateral, Tom Cruise executes this firing technique so well that it's used in lessons for tactical handgun training

This title is very misleading. It's also a little annoying that this scene has garnered such mystique. It's a good scene showcasing real combat shooting technique but it's not the holy grail of defensive shooting.

In the scene Tom Cruise deflects the firearm, sweeps his jacket to draw from concealment, pulls in his "off-hand", fires two rounds from "weapon retention" (elbow tucked in at the waist, head over the firearm) into bad-guy-A, then turns to bad-guy-B and performs a Mozambique Drill (two shots to the body, one shot to the head). Cruise executes it all very well. He overshoots the draw a bit, and there's really no need to step toward bad-guy-B. Really he probably should have taken a step away just to keep both of them in clear view. I'm really nitpicking here but I think that's somewhat justified since this is a choreographed movie scene and not a real life gun fight.

Both these moves are corner stones of defensive handgun school curriculum... but they've been around for decades. The Mozambique Drill came to Gunsite Academy sometime in the 1970's. Weapon Retention shooting has been around so long I don't even think you could pin down a date or who created it. Again, Cruise does a great job performing the moves but that's where it stops. Not Tom Cruise, nor anyone else involved in the movie, created these moves.

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