As alliance, feels weird to have invested 1 year plus of my time into two races that are going to be trying to kill me on sight soon.

Name one thing they should have done with the warriors who killed every single human they ever came across. There is nothing. You either put them to the sword or imprison them.

You didn't refute anything. You made some incredibly shit equivalencies. I could have been a lot more polite but I'm growing incredibly tired of the straight up buffoons on this sub and their shitty, fallacious way of arguing. Its like talking to the embodiment of youtube comments. I mean you can barely string a sentence together, for all I know you don't even understand what I'm typing, which would honestly be the best explanation for all this.

Now. Don't ignore this anymore. Where are you going to leave the Monsters who invaded Earth and murdered every single person in the UK? Are you giving them Siberia or the Sahara or something or are you imprisoning/executing them? If you pick the first option I think that might just make a retard bingo.

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