Alyssa sums up how most of us feel.

…I’m getting the idea your thing is defending Trump supporters/liking Trump and ignoring his outrageous flaws, while simultaneously calling Clinton evil (I find that childish), then when someone calls you out on it, freaking out 'omg how dare you think I like Trump!'

I simply stated reasons why gays might not like Trump. You are the one making generalisations with all the 'you people!' this 'typical Hillary supporter!' that. It's hypocritical to go on a rant not wanting people to make assumptions or generalisations, while doing that yourself.

Clinton won because more people liked her policies and voted for her, that's just how democracy works. It isn't personal, she had a message more people agreed with. All the parties had over a year for the primary debate. It was a long and heavily debated process, and it was concluded.

Now, it’s the next stage, the actual election, and Hillary Clinton is doing her best to stop Trump. Yet you are more concerned with bashing Clinton than Trump. Despite him representing a party that has fought against gay rights forever. So you don’t care about that or the actual presidency (or else you wouldn’t be struggling to support Trump while claiming you don’t support him), you’d rather defend the anti-gay ticket, just because you’re angry Clinton did better than your candidate. I’d say there's likely a heavy element of ‘sore loser’ in that, but ok.

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