Am I (23m) overreacting about my (24f) girlfriend ditching important plans to go to a music festival with her friends and family?

I get you’re in a band, and it’s important to you that your friends & relatives go to your gigs to support you, blah blah blah. But your girlfriend is not your security blanket, and demanding that she go to every one of your gigs is a fucking drag.

Like, really? Anyone who dates you must attend every one of your gigs or you get all sulky & pissy. That’s a lot to expect, and be grateful that she has previously attended all or lost of your gigs.

She obviously likes live music, and had the opportunity to go to a music festival with a group of people. Sorry, but if she’s already seen you play multiple times with the same band, it gets a little stale. Maybe a lot stake. But obviously, for your girlfriend, the prospect of a music festival was more appealing than another one of your shows. So what? Get over it. Next time she’ll choose to go your gig, but because she wants to, not because you have a butthurt breakdown if she doesn’t.

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