I am JP_Whoregan, former mod of /r/the_Donald, current mod of the much more respectable /r/trump, with plenty of facts about the dumpster fire that is /r/the_Donald. AmA.

I mean the first thing that it's a lie. You don't care about your subreddit being Muh Trump And Only Muh Trump, you care about keeping people from talking about jews because it makes you angry when people talk about jews. You admit as much yourself when you complain about "weed smoking, rum, girls in volleyball shorts, or televisions" which are all pretty obviously topics you personally disprove of. What if people in the subreddit were talking about economics? What if they were talking about how immigration policy negatively affects the american worker? Would you have got rid of those?

Of course the second thing is that it is autism, and the form it takes is having declared this sort of standard of convenience you're inevitably going to start doubling down on it and expanding the list of things that aren't Muh Trump that people aren't allowed to talk about. Maybe you start with the list of topics I quoted. Or maybe some asshole like me says "well what about economics" and you wanna prove you Really Mean It so now no one can talk about economics. And meanwhile you get so hypersensitive about your no merchants standard that trump visits israel and you're locking/deleting every thread.

People coalesce around a political candidate because that candidate speaks to concerns that many of those people have in common, like how bernie attracts lots of people who want gibmedats. Those people are naturally going to want to discuss these issues that they care about, and any good political community should encourage that kind of exchange because it leads to deeper and more committed support of the ultimate goal. Trump in particular attracts a lot of people who feel unrepresented by the present political process, a lot of whose concerns are things you aren't allowed to talk about pretty much anywhere, so finding themselves together with a lot of apparently like-minded people they're naturally going to want to talk about those things and should be able to.

Also: None of the above particularly requires you to be a jew or know any jews, there's more than enough freefloating cultural messaging to the effect that talking about jews is a Very Bad Thing That You Must Never Do.

TLDR: I don't see a lot of anti-Trump subreddits banning people for hating white people.

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