I am a new dm and my players keep robbing stores

While that’s hilarious in theory, I can’t see how punishing the players like this is going to solve anything. On the contrary, it may exasperate the situation.

It’s probably better to tell the players you’ll be employing some changes without telling them what, then the next time they rob a store it’ll turn out that the owner is a retired adventurer who defeated Tiamat or something.

Or maybe it turns out the merchants guild caught on to their behaviour and sent an envoy to speak with them, urging them to pay a hefty fine or suffer more dire consequences. They’ll also notice that every merchant connected to the merchants guild now carries a pendant with a summoning seal on the front. Don’t fuck with the merchants guild.

There’s plenty of ways other than fUcK yOUr cHaRaCtErs iM tHe dM i wiN!¡!

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