I am not very sexual, but I want to be able to please my man. I hate giving head, but again I want to please him, so the question is, how do I make giving head fun,exciting, worth doing and very pleasurable for him so he enjoys it & I want to do it more? Right now it seems like a chore…

Have you seen the Dead Bedrooms sub? Some ppl are just HL (high libidos) & some are just LL (low libidos). You can't force yourself to be either one just to make your partner happy. You are trying, but it will only end up leaving you with more of an aversion than you already have.

I know you're not going to like this, & you're gonna disagree & think I'm terrible, but this is only going to become a much bigger issue for you as time goes on. You'd probably (both) be better off with someone who has more in common with your preferences in the long run. You'll tell me how wrong I am, how much you love each other (& I'm sure that you do), but if you stay together, & especially if you get married you'll just make each other miserable in the long term. Unless you're willing to open the relationship. But there's no way you can force yourself to enjoy sex if you don't naturally enjoy it, & trying to do so will only result in a sexual aversion.

Trust me when I tell you that the best thing you can do for your own sexuality is to take a Friday or Saturday night, draw a hot bubble bath, light a candle, put on some sexy music & have some wine, all by your damn self, & explore your body by yourself. Try some toy's. Try an extendable shower-head-nozzle. (My personal favorite! I'll take that over a vibrator any day!). Just explore & learn what you like & how you like it... as well as what you don't. Then teach your man what you like & how you like it. And don't do anything that you don't like. Ever. No matter what. THAT'S the best way to learn how to enjoy sex. Enjoy it with yourself FIRST; then add your partner as a play-mate. But pushing yourself to do something to please someone else NEVER WORKS. Especially if you aren't enjoying yourself to begin with.

However, if you're absolutely insistent, I will tell you that I personally just naturally enjoy sex and giving oral pleasure. But a couple of years ago I discovered a specific brand of flavored lubricant called "Jo Gelato Flavored Lube". If I had known how absolutely delicious they were, & that they'd take something that I love doing & put gourmet dessert flavor's on it, combining two of my most favorite things I would've been doing it all along!!! They have "Salted Caramel; Crème-Brülée; Tira-Misu; Hazelnut; & Chocolate Fudge, & They. Are. AWESOME!!!-- You can get them anywhere on-line, but this is the best deal I've found (of course you can get them one at a time, too, I'm just showing you the different gourmet flavor's, although they have the regular flavor's like Strawberry, Watermelon, etc. also).

(Ima check back in with you in the future at some point. Who knows, maybe you'll be the first person who ends up enjoying it by sheer willpower.) Good luck to you.


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