Am I the only one extremely uncomfortable with the hero worship of our military?

Much of our military history is embaressing to me. Some of it has been no less than genocide and some of it has been the worst types of colonialism. I don't think we investigate possible war crimes commited by our country nearly enough, nor do I think we learn from our past mistakes, thus we're destined to repeat our mistakes. This lack of reflection and foresight is embaressing to me.

I share very similar beliefs to others in this countries, the difference could be that the weight of my values are balanced differently. I value security, authority, freedom, liberty, equality and justice like anyone else, the degree to which I value them might be different to the majority, but I still value the same things. Maybe I hold exactly the same degree of values of the rest of the population, but I see what I beleive to be more desirable solutions or methods.of approaching a problem. The idea that I'm at a severe disconnet to society is simply weak rhetoric on your part.

I think, generally speaking, the publics threshold for a just war is much lower than mine. I don't approach this a black and white subject and I'm suprised someone would suggest it was.

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