I am the product of abortion

You are not the product of abortion. You're the product of birth. Your mom murdered your sibling in the womb so she could obtain professional status and wealth. She knew sex could lead to children but she did it anyways and then unrang the bell. I get that you're selfish and you credit your nice upbringing and success through her decision to terminate life. You act as though if she had the child, she couldn't be successful and you wouldn't have been born? You'd rather see a brother/sister dead so your family could have advantages. Sorry, it's just the way it is. But you don't see it as the murder it is. Forget personal responsibility via abstaining, condoms, diaphragms, birth control shots, morning after pills AND........ adoption. Speaking of which, I'm the product of adoption. My birth mother could've terminated me decades ago, but she carried me for 9 months, birthed me and gave me up so she could possibly, maybe go on to do what your mom did. She understood that even though she didn't want me, abortion meant murder...... and she had a soul and decided she couldn't live with that. Don't get me started on the men you aren't given a second thought or single opinion on this matter. One day we'll all be dead and we will all be judged. I think Heaven is gonna have plenty of vacancies.

/r/confessions Thread