"Amazing Video Games" are the reason young men aren't working

I'm one of these people(except I don't play video games). I want to work so bad. I graduated in 2009 with an arts degree. My whole family pushed me into the arts from a young age and made it out to be a practical career choice. I guess I was an idiot but it was all I knew. In the years since I've only held shitty jobs that stagnated my life and prevented me from becoming independent. Severe depression set in and brought out (or maybe even caused) a latent bipolar disorder that is extremely difficult to manage. I lost my job 18 months ago and have been so depressed I often can't get out of bed for days. I want a job so badly but I can't make it past the interview stage when they say "So tell me about yourself" because I have so much shame about my life and the choices I made in college. I have since realized I don't even like making art, that I was actually living my parents' dream and now I'm 29 and I don't even know who I am. I'm back in community college pursuing interests that are truly mine but I feel like it's simply too late to break into a career in marketing. I know marketing is evil, and consumerism and business go against my core values, but fuck it's something I think I could do well in if I wasn't so beaten down and behind the curve. I've been suicidal for 2 years and it's hard to hide it. I can't pretend to be proud of anything, I can't pretend to be extroverted and sociable. I'm trying but the depression is crushing and the mania has got me into trouble. I truly see no future for myself and my parents don't even understand why I haven't made art in 5 years.

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Link - ashingtonpost.com