The American-Western European Values Gap

  1. To the person who doesn't have a good education, I ask why not? I am a few months away from enrolling at a university that will charge me 28k per year. I am paying for this, not my parents. Like a said before, I am far from rich. I can't even come close to affording this. I will be working, applying for scholarships, and taking out loans. I will do what needs to be done. In the United States, anyone is able to get an education if they are willing to bet on themselves.

  2. As for the person who has nowhere to live, if that were truly a permanent impedance to success, you would never see the miraculous stories that are often in the papers or on the news about a person who beat homelessness and got their life back together. Homelessness is a setback.

  3. What institutional racism/sexism? Show me a law that is sexist or racist. They don't exist. In fact, more laws are in place to help women, the poor, the LGBT, the minorities, the disabled, even the non-citizens, than there are in place to help people like me; a white, heterosexual, male. More so, I've been discriminated against because of these very same laws. During a hiring process at a very famous fire department, my academy class was dismissed by the mayor because our demographics "didn't match the city we represented". In other words, we were too white. That shit sucked and I was devastated. I wrote an angry letter and moved on with my life. Now I'm going back to school with plans to be a doctor. So in this example of actual institutional racism, which is a term I hate, it was only a setback.

  4. Yep, some people are just born lucky. Life isn't fair and I realize that blaming the rich kid with his private education, tutelage, and perfect family isn't going to make life more fair. Nor do I blame some shadowy institution that's always out to get me, always crippling my success. Concocted racism/sexism only breeds a victim mentality, a mentality of failure and subjugation. How can people succeed when they blame their failures on others and believe no matter what they do, someone will be there to subvert them?

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