Americans of Reddit, what do you think is the solution to stopping school shootings?

Administration caring, I'm a highschooler in Michigan that actually goes to school in the same county where the Oxford shooting happened and one of the problems that I have seen is negligent administration, I've seen adults in our school not enforcing many rules, not caring when students are being bullied or even hurt physically, and being nonchalant about threats being made before. Only one out of my 6 teachers even mentioned anything relating to the shooting and he was the only staff member I've seen so far that actually asked any of us how we feel about it and if we were alright. Many students that are being bullied or picked on should be able to go to administration if there's a problem, but nothing usually gets done beyond a quick "we shouldn't do that" or something similar from the teacher. Also if any of us talk to a school counselor about any problems that we might be having they always call our parents and tell them what happened, always. This is very problematic because a lot of kids my age don't have supportive parents and usually they need someone to talk to that IS NOT their parents and there's no security or trust with staff. I'm not saying that this is the only problem because there are many more, and they're not all the schools fault, many of these problems start at home, but schools don't seem that they care at all.

/r/AskReddit Thread