Amy Goodman Is Facing Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline. That Should Scare Us All

Tracking in from /r/undelete.

You're wrong. The article is explicitly about current US politics.

The protests at at the Dakota pipeline have been going on for a while now, and are absolutely a political event. They deal with US politics on several levels.

  • Native American tribes primary complaint is a lack of consultation by the U.S. government, which is something that is required of the U.S. government by the agreements and treaties signed into law.

  • The article you've removed deals with political consequences related to the arrest of journalists at the political protests.

Excerpts from the article:

 Almost all political systems display a natural inertia when confronting a not-yet-visible catastrophe, and every modern president, for better or worse, has had to grapple with Americans’ distaste for any form of sacrifice or even collective action for anything short of military attack.

 In this case, we must recognize the enemy within. Barack Obama has been admirably alarmist about the problem. Hillary Clinton has been less so, but she’s still on the right side of the issue. Alas, the Republican Party’s remarkable combination of purposeful ignorance and obstinacy has stymied congressional action for over a generation. Twice, the Republican House majority attached an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that explicitly denied the Pentagon the right to address climate threats. Last year, the House Budget Committee actually tried to pass a measure that would have prevented the Pentagon and the CIA from even studying climate science. Trump may position himself as an outsider candidate whose wealth insulates him from corrupt interest groups, but the fossil-fuel lobbyists he’s picked to shape his energy policy would guarantee more of the same.

 Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that the GOP’s billionaire backers—Charles and David Koch most prominently—have dedicated themselves to building an iron wall against any form of regulatory action that could eat into their profits. In the past, the Kochs have used middlemen and secretive organizations to impose their political and intellectual blackmail on Republicans *(and therefore on the rest of us). Recognizing that *Trump is unelectable, they’re now using their network to endorse and fund House and Senate candidates as a way to ensure that President Clinton will have no better luck defending America in this area than Obama did.

The article is explicitly political and you have made a mistake in removing it.

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