An impressive argument for how the Comey's letter, by itself, almost certainly cost Clinton the Election

I didn't use the opinion blog as fact. I used the facts contained within it as the basis for my point. You can feel free to independently verify them

And your article doesn't actually refute anything. They compared based on the 2010 voting lines. Which were still flawed. The case in the first article wasn't "if the district lines hadn't changed". It was "If the district lines were drawn fairly". These are NOT the same thing. They're arguing a completely different case. Some states, as well as pretty much every modern democracy on the planet with districts, uses non-partisan commissions to draw the district lines. If you do that, there is no chance in HELL you wind up with the results you see in North Carolina. Not without an accompanying blowout in the popular vote. The fact that the 2010 lines ALSO favoured Republicans doesn't disprove the fact that the district lines are the reason they won. The fact that one stacked deck versus a slightly less stacked deck produced similar results tells you absolutely nothing about the results that deck gives if it isn't stacked at all.

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