An MXE vendor all about quality control.

This is kinda silly. I don't do my own MXE. (or much of anything else I sell- pot and adderall the exceptions). It's been tested multiple times (search, they are out there). There's never been any question about it, except from a few people out of 1800+ sales. Sold over 3300 grams in 9 months yet don't qualify as "reliable". Never had a single order that the buyer didn't receive. Yeah the price is a bit high, but it's potent and pure stuff, as 99.9% of reviews say. Regardless, I don't post here to drum up sales, I have too many sales lately. Someone was wondering about demand. Let's see, 128 grams in the last week, totalling over $4.5k of MXE sold... Over 450 grams in June, over $12.5k worth sold. Yikes... I'm not really complaining about not making the xmas lists of some. And as for the person looking at 10g price and comparing it to what they want to pay for 250-500g. I'm not in that business. I don't sell bulk. (well I would, but not at much lower prices than listed). If I did, I would be the people I buy from. Most of my orders are 1 or 2g, and lately the newer .5g and .25g listings are doing very well. I'm gonna come clean with some of you... I have a confession. I'm actually doing this being an online drug trafficker thing, not because I really like it, though I actually do (you should see my spreadsheet, being good at excel is really important to drug trafficking). But also ... drum roll... to make ... money. So I don't have to fuckin work anymore and be a slave to a corporation and a number in some account. For pricing, I choose whatever makes me risk my freedom for a shorter time to get to my goal, while still being reasonable and competitive with the market. I dunno, maybe you think that vendors are really in this for the love of the game. I stumbled into it, I wasn't even sure if it would work. Now a year later I am looking at the days incoming sales and I've sold $1200 worth of stuff today, and I'm thinking "damn, it's a slow day- only 16 orders so far"... a slow day, at $1200.

As for indulging and not being a phony, I've had my share of MXE in the past. and ketamine like you wouldn't believe, probably 1000+ times. I just have such tolerance it is pointless.

I intentionally rambled in this post, and meandered off topic many a time. Any questions?

/r/DarkNetMarkets Thread