An Nonhumorous Post about Elite Dangerous

How can you tell yourself this? The game has so many issues, the player base is crumbling, and FDev is taking every misstep they can, as if on purpose. It's people like you, who dismiss every complaint as whining, who help perpetuate this games mediocrity. It's very clear FDev has the same attitude as you, the "feel free to ignore the incessant whining..." attitude. It's this kind of attitude that leads to complaints being ignored. When complaints are ignored they stack, one by one, bug by bug, until you have an insurmountable mountain of bugs, broken gameplay mechanics, and piss fucking poor design choices. This is one of the many ways great games piss away there potential. It's really fucking sad. Not because the company starts to bleed money as sales drop and players quit, no they earned that. Its sad because it's the fans, the people who tried to stick with it that get shit on by it. Let's bring it back to the original thing that 'triggered' me in your comment. If a fanbase is incessantly whining and complaining, maybe, just fucking maybe, there's a reason for it. Maybe that's too much critical thinking for someone entrenched on the front lines of the Fanboys army. Who knows

Honestly, sorry for ran ting at you. But seeing this shit opinion on the forums/Reddit/in game is frustrating.

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