As an only child... What is it like having a brother/sister?

I have two younger brothers, and we’re all very close in age. My middle brother and I despised each other as teenagers and would fight viciously. I was close with my youngest brother, but they were closer to each other because they shared a room and just had more in common. I often wished I was an only child.

Since we’ve all grown up (we’re all in our 30’s), even though we each have very different personal tastes and interests, we are exceptionally close. I guess we came to realise that our shared history is unique to us (we have quite a colourful family), and we have exactly the same sense of humour. We see each other often, but even when we don’t, our group chat open for business every day. My brothers are absolutely the best friends I have. I wish I’d known back then how close we’d be, as I feel like we all wasted a lot of time. But maybe that’s what makes us appreciate each other so much now?

/r/CasualUK Thread