Please help, if I come from the south and want to go north, which lanes should I be in to start and what lanes to be in while in the loop de loop? Arrows would help if anyone has photoshop skills

This roundabout is definitely not clear, and I've had multiple issues driving on it. Ultimately there are three lanes marked as being for going straight over, but on the roundabout there are only two. It's nice and easy for traffic going left or right, they know which lane to be in. For traffic going straight on one lane will have to merge into another but no one knows which so it ends up a bit of a free-for-all. Middle lane traffic will definitely be involved in that merge, so personally I stick in the left hand lane and pay close attention to everyone around me as the middle lane traffic will also want to be in that lane.

I suspect the insufferable "retake your test" brigade will let me know how terrible a driver I am for this.

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