For some context, there is a fucking reply because after a few hours, mods deleted this post

Context: In September 12, 2022 an water tank was made in San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla. It was supposed to work for more than 20 years in the zone and it was abandoned and then rebuilt and re-inaugurated. Not a week has passed since, and it collapsed and 3 people died, and one is on a hospital on the zone. When Norma Layón(governor of the municipality)wanted to talk about how it was not her fault, everyone started to throw trash, water and other sort of stuff and they even smashed the windows of her car. The Government of Puebla will compensate the families of the 4 victims of this tragedy in the region of San Martin Texmelucan and please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, mrchoyero, from Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

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