192 words Starting Couch to 5K (again) this week - any tips? 293 words Was told by my mum yesterday to delete all the apps off my phone, turn it off, wrap it in 7 layers of tinfoil, place it in the middle of the property, and leave it there till Wednesday. 144 words The council resurfaced a road and tarmacked over a drain 327 words Stealth Police Camera? 135 words It is Wasdnesday, my bokoblins 109 words What cheers you up immediately everytime? 153 words Why are you awake at almost 06:00 on a fucking Saturday? 147 words I accidentally ate a chocolate egg without paying for it and haven’t been able to sleep for 4 days 192 words Saturday Chatterday [18/2/23] 127 words Change My View 126 words Almost two weeks being harassed by Jehovah’s witnesses, we just received this after the wife telling them she can’t listen because she’s recovering from a hospital visit. Are we in too deep? Seems a strange statement about their kids meeting our kids. 120 words some Americans chatting about Earl Grey Tea mentioned "London Fog" as a drink. I've never heard of this. is it a new thing, American thing or am I just out the loop? 222 words When were you screwed over in the past and it's never quite left you? 186 words Are these the normal prices for takeaway burgers these days? Literally stopped me in my tracks! 138 words Please help, if I come from the south and want to go north, which lanes should I be in to start and what lanes to be in while in the loop de loop? Arrows would help if anyone has photoshop skills 162 words I met my sister for the first time 223 words Yesterday, I made a post about my drinking habits on a Sunday which has given me a lot of advice. I recognise I have a problem and that it needs to be addressed. I really appreciate every single one of you who took the time to comment and DM me. It will be a journey for me! Thank you ❤️ 343 words Does anyone have a drawer at work with a bottle/decanter of scotch/whiskey and 2 glasses in it? 216 words Tablet antihistamine are a waste of money 287 words Poor performance from the UK this year…