Saturday Chatterday [18/2/23]

Just had a scam call, one of those "We are your Internet Service Provider, due to illegal activity detected we will terminate your connection in 24 hours".

The fun thing there is, I'm a NetAdmin for a B2B ISP/MSP, I am my ISP. Spent a while talking to this bloke trying to get him to tell me who my ISP was.

"Oh, I represent them all sir"
"So your monitoring software is powerful enough to tell you what traffic is getting passed, but not so powerful as to give you the name of the ISP. You wouldn't happen to be lying now, would you? That doesn't sound like a good thing to be doing... If I didn't know better, I might even suggest you're trying to scam people. You wouldn't do that though, right?"

He persisted with trying to levy a "fine". I then went on to ask where the traffic was coming from "Go on, give me some websites at least, I'm always on the lookout for new illegal content, sailing the seas. Just list some off, what are your favourites?"

Alas, he hung up, never did get any tips.

/r/CasualUK Thread