An open letter to my STBX (long post)

While this post is definitely detailed, it's still kind of proving that point I talked about before of "women hate that men can learn things". The reason I say that is because you said things like "fooling people", "lying about who they were", "pretending to be strong", you are propagating this notion of "people are who they are from birth and cannot change". The thing that TRP DOES acknowledge that the different sexes are born with is this: women are born with control over sex, which men want; men are born with control over commitment, which women want.

We use words like "whore" to describe women who give away sex to anyone. But if you break this down according to the above and strip away the gender, we can derive that a "whore" is a "person who gives away the commodity of attraction that they were born without having boundaries or limitations". And again, I think that maybe you haven't read through the handbook or the entirety of the philosophy of TRP, because they actually say "TRP does not say 'don't be emotional'" They advise showing LESS affection, interest, curiosity, pain, grief, and love, but not NONE of it. They advise men and women to CONTROL the sexually attractive commodity that they were born with.

As for your numbered list, again, you use the word "fool" to describe how a TRP man would attract a woman, which gives off the notion that men are born a certain way and cannot change. But if I'm a man, and sex is very important to me, and I want to ensure that I end up with a mate who will provide me a certain amount of sex, why is that bad? Why can't I, as a man, hone and shape myself into a person that women WANT to have sex with? If statistics show that a chiseled, rich, learned man can choose from a much larger pool of women, why would anyone demonize a man for trying to achieve that?

By your own admission, women want a strong, good man. If I am a good man, but I am not "strong", that means that I only have half of what a woman would want. But if I do what I need to so that I become "strong", why would anyone tell me NOT to do that?

/r/Divorce Thread Parent