Mormon apostles are anti-christs who draw near to him with their lips but their hearts are from him, they love filthy lucre more than Jesus.

Selling your "special witness of Christ" for profit is about as anti-christ as you can get.

I'm reminded now of the 'Millionaire' direct-sales get-rich-like-me types who can show you how to become a filthy rich individual if you'll just buy their books and programs and follow them to the letter. And do you know how many schmucks do that and get filthy rich? That should be clue number one. And then the weighty realization that there is at least one schmuck getting a free lunch out of it.

You'd think that if the gospel were as important as they say it is, and if they were actually representatives of Christ trying to bring salvation to everyone they'd give that shit away.

This is the single most poignant part of the problem as it pertains to the LDS eternal perspective:

The very best that Jesus Christ's church on this planet can do with the possession of The Truth for all of the human race in our time is to:

[_] Publish peer-reviewed work in journals all over the world demonstrating LDS monopoly on stated claims. Mormonism should easily survive testable claims. Apologetics are all done away with; no need to defend these testable claims.

[_] Advertise long and loud in every media platform available. Like, all the time. Mormonism is the cure, right?

[_] Robocall every phone number as many times as possible with specific instructions on what must be done specifically to benefit immediately. Nobody will mind because it's worked for everyone who's tried it.

[_] Daily mail campaigns, both personal letters and in the weekly ads.

[_] Website with clear and specific instructions to avoid delays. Simple ten minute presentation will do. (Missionary force will be too busy baptizing to teach anymore, those realizing that Mormonism is the cure will need instruction via the technology of the internet.)

[_] Makeshift temples and chapels all over the world; the demand for Mormonism will be very high and there just aren't enough places to accommodate the more than 7 billion people about to undergo this critical transformation.

[_] Set every member apart for full-time missionary work; all must quit their vocations or drastically decrease their time not dedicated to the work. Sunday is the sacrament only, and then straight back to teaching so that the principles can be applied immediately and needless suffering can stop.

[_] Cures. Cures. Cures. BYU immediately focuses on medicine and pharmaceuticals to cure the shittiest diseases. Revelation flows like honey to cure the diseases that aren't required for trials and tribulations in this life. Blessings for the sick work on all but those who need to learn something incredibly important to their eternal welfare. Cuz, God wouldn't make us suffer needlessly?

[I could keep going]


[X] Make a movie about meeting random Mormons. Have missionaries knock on some doors. Adopt technology two decades after its predictable domination over culture and civilization. Wait even more decades to seem behind on topics of social progress and scientific achievement. Lag in every single area relevant to its purview. Fumble on every testable claim in its well-documented history. What. The. Literal. Fuck.

TL;DR - Oh, come on just read it.

/r/exmormon Thread