Analyzing my deaths from this 1 hour 4KD session

First of all, i just want to let you know that i didn't read the other threads of you, so i don't really know what advices you already got. So just some viewpoints from my side. Im sure someone already said that a suppressor isn't the best option but still its your decision and if you useing HVAmmo on your saw, drop it. Never run a LMG with HVAmmo, it's not worth it. Also, whats your FOV, it looks like its on normal setting, but maybe its the video, i recommend to play with FOV at 74. Also what if notice is that your sensitivity far from behind atleast good, but i can't help you how to find the right mouse and ads sensitivity on reddit. There are also enough guides on YT for PS2. Just a little side note, the saw isn't a great gun, but i guess you useing it because its the starter LMG, so auraxium it and never use it again. So the death analyzing: 1: Because of your sensitivity setting you are not quick enough to shoot him, also you should always be carefull when an engi or infil runs with his hand like that. It's always an indicator for that. 2: The medkit wouldn't save you, it that situation, you would die without killing anyone. Situations like that can always happen. 3: Sensitivity isn't optimal, don't try to 360° no scope him, instead you look in the way yopu guys meet and move backwards. 4: You din't look arround you, or atleast into the room. FOV at 74 could help atleast a little bit. 5: Sensitivity not optimal and i assuming a little bad aim. 6: You could atleast look left to right all the time while reloading, not just sitting around. 7: You turned and ran a straight line into an open field, and you enemy was like 1m aways from you, the medkit would save you at all. 8: He wasn't really behind you, more like beside you. Look around. 9:He didn't shoot you through the wall, he shot your ghost. Look on Youtube for Wrels video: TTK vs Lag, i really recommend it to watch it! 10: Always watch how many bullets you have in your mag, try to reload only in a save spot. And like a already said the Saw isn't a great gun, the long reload is one thing about it.

/r/Planetside Thread