Anesthetized Patient Records Doctors Insulting Him, Awarded $500,000.

Here's a review of her from may of last year;

by James M. on May 10th, 2014

My name is James and I was injured overseas and was transferred back to the States. I was torn up pretty bad and one of the doctors I saw was this Tiffany Ingham person. When I was being treated, most of the doctors were pretty nice to me but this person whose name I later found out was Ingham, an AF Reserve doctor. I was torn up pretty badly and I will admit I needed a pretty good amount of attention. Every time this Dr. Ingham would come to see me it was as if she did not want to get near me because of my injuries. I did not understand this and one of the other patients told me she had been stationed in a combat area also. I chalked up her indifference to stress and fatigue. She seemed like she was always crying and ranting. One of the other doctors told me that he thought she had mental issues. I never said anything because I figured it would not do any good. In surfing the Internet, I came across the article about Ingham and making fun of her patient. I now figure that she must have thought of me as a "Oscar Mike Gross". I think she did a couple of procedures on me and I can only guess what she said about me when I was out. I can only hope that the military realizes her for the psychopath she is and does something about it. At the very least, she should not be allowed anywhere near patients or hospitals. I will never be whole again and as long as fruitcakes like this are allowed to practice medicine, people seeing this doctor will take the risk of mental anguish while trying to get their medical problem fixed. Not only should she be drummed out of the military and medical profession, this hospital should be ashamed to employ a doctor such as this.............. James

Sounds like she's a perpetually shitty doctor who shouldn't be one.

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