Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

I have to act like a professional and be accountable in my job. I assume many politicians and heads of state are like that. However, I doubt most aren't idiot conspiracy theorists who believe Obama was a Kenyan Muslim or think they're smarter than the generals.

So you seriously can't be arsed to look over some actual politicians?

The last one, by the way, was in the EU parliament during what was supposed to be a rather serious session.

Rich Daddy...and he probably paid kids to do his work for him.

You're making so many excuses for this imagined 'rock-bottom IQ Trump'. Like, what kind of reality do you live in where a complete idiot could beat everyone else to become democratically elected as President?

How many times has he gone fact his bankers said he didn't go personally bankrupt is because they felt they could do more if he was out there selling their assets. This dope is leveraged up to his eyeballs. You apparently think rich means smart...he's just rich and I don't even think he's as rich as he claims. The only thing I think he's good selling himself that's it.

Well, he's still over a billion which is more than the 100 million he was loaned. I'm not saying rich means smart. I'm saying you have to be at least moderately above average in intelligence to stay rich. Lottery winners go broke, NFL players go broke, untalented children go broke, historically plenty of people born into nobility had lost all their family wealth, retaining little more than the title, 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth in two generations. Apparently, it's not simple arithmetic to maintain wealth.

I'm honestly amused at the lengths you'll go to for maintaining your personal illusion that the president is a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging idiot. It's not even about whether he's a good president, or whether he's smart for a billionaire. It's about something much simpler: do you think that you can graduate an ivy league college, run a successful real estate business (again, even after the bankruptcies, he's in a club of the hundreds richest out of billions) , raise successful kids, get elected president and then be too stupid to understand the EU's arrangement while any random person gets it from skimming a news headline?

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