Another doctors visit..Am I the only one?

Myopic, Presbyopia, Astigmatism, Floaters. Halos and starbursts, flashes of light, cobwebs, the whole nine. I can only read small print with my left eye. I have progressives and still need to take them off to read my phone. I have mono vision contacts and still need readers to read my phone or small print. The best is my contacts w/ sunglasses. They reduce the floaters by about 60%. But then I need to carry readers with me. Or I wear my glasses but no sunglasses. It sucks but I make do. The key is to forget about it ever being perfect or how it was....figure out the worst of it and try to make that better. Cloudy sky or blue sky is the worst so I got some nice shades and it helps.

/r/EyeFloaters Thread