Anxiety as well as ADHD

Reposting so I can read it:

About two years ago my parents had set me up with a nurse practitioner in a behavioral health clinic because they had found out I was self harming myself.(Had failed my first semester of community college and my brothers were excelling away at college. I basically felt like a failure. Very low point in my life) The NP diagnosed me with anxiety and depression. She had prescribed me Zoloft and I had took it for months and decided it wasn't working for me at all and stopped taking it. I began to gradually come out of my depression and that's when the fog of my depression cleared and my ADHD became more apparent. I looked online for the symptoms of ADHD and I fit almost all of the criteria. I then began to piece together that my depression was likely caused by my ADHD. I had no motivation to go to class, could not keep focused at all while in class. Have always been a very unorganized person. Never seemed to have that same "drive" as everyone around me seemed to have and desperately wanted to obtain that. I Succeeded in high school because of the structure it provided me. Without that structure, I crumbled. I booked an appt with the same NP about a month ago and told her how I was feeling and most of what I just typed up. She then diagnosed me with ADHD. She prescribed me Wellbutrin (lowest dose 150 mg) and I started taking it that day. It's been a month now and I have noticed a slight increase in mood and a little increase in focus but a big increase in my anxiety. As said before I had already had anxiety (mainly social anxiety) and the Wellbutrin has made it worse. I now feel very anxious when talking to people and I hate it. Has anyone else had this experience with Wellbutrin? For those of you with Anxiety and ADHD, which drug has worked for you? I have had tried Adderall before (not prescribed) and really liked it. I felt super chatty, didn't feel anxious and felt very motivated but I'm afraid if I bring it up to my NP she will think I would abuse it because of how many people my age that do.

/r/ADHD Thread