To any anti-vaxxers out there: Did the current situation change your mind? If so, how?

Really no. Big pharma does not have a hold over every piece of medical information. To think that is deluded. You are using one example and applying it to the whole world's source of information. It might help you try and argue if I tell you I am not American and live in a country where big pharma has little influence. When you say it is like a common flu, you mean symptoms. And for a lot of people, sure they are similar. But it works nowhere similar to the flu in the way it affects haemoglobin and oxygen intake. Hence, please do some actual research before you make claims. And when you say stripped of rights...yes it is absolutely for safety. Studies show this can affect and seriously harm 6% of the population. The whole reason you are being told to stay indoors is so that this entire 6% doesn't all die at once because the hospitals are overfilled. Once again please research. And sure, a lot of the panic is in the media, there is benefit to turning it off and eating drinking healthy and getting exercise. There is no benefit in saying this is in people's heads when there is clear evidence of both the actual virus and its consequences. Just because it isn't affecting you directly does not mean it isn't real.

Please please please do research. And I don't mean fox news or any news channels.

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