It’s disturbing that no one cares about the male suicide rate being so high

This sub is full of incels trying to brainwash the rest of the population by insidiously spreading misogyny on mainstream subs.

As fucking if people don’t care about men’s suicide statistics when pretty much every recent mental health campaign is dominated by them, and they got to be the face of PTSD even though women are diagnosed twice as often.

They get to have unbiased support for all of their physical medical issues, nobody minimises their physical pain and tells them their being over dramatic, they get more help for ADHD, autism, bipolar etc whilst women are not thought not even emotionally deep enough to have these problems and are forced to conform to the hive mind. Hell when I first told my parents and doctor and teachers that I was suicidal and cutting myself I was told “it’s just part of being a teenage girl and you have to learn to deal with it”

Nobody fucking helped or coddled me or many of the other girls I grew up with who where laughed at for their mental health as a result of bullying or sexual abuse, so we stuck together and helped eachother.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread Parent