Any Internet Mysteries that are probably NOT hoaxes?

Perhaps the weirdest moment of my life: getting stalked by a rabbit.

Back in 2011 or so, I took a trip to Denver to visit some friends, and it turned into a road trip across the state. I stayed an extra day or so for some solo camping - just seemed like a fun thing to do.

I found a pretty well-curated nature trail that wound around some hills and through a bit of woods. In the afternoon, I broke off to hike up some of the hills, see the view, and take photos. It was a fun trip, but I stayed a bit too long. When I started heading back to the car, the sun was starting to set, and when I found the path back through the woods, it was already tending toward dusk and I was having a little trouble seeing. I was only about 1/4 mile from the car, but not having a flashlight and having poor night vision, I picked up my pace.

About halfway through the woods, I was startled by some rustling bushes on the left side of the path. Out hopped a brown shape - I could tell it was definitely a rabbit by the way it moved, though I couldn't see it clearly. Not huge, but maybe a smidge larger than average.

I stopped and just watched it a moment, as it sat there in the grass.

Then it hopped straight toward me. Just once. And stopped.

Then it hopped toward me again. And stopped.

This struck me as very strange behavior for a rabbit. It was still about 10 or 15 feet away, but that was close enough for me. I stomped my hiking boot on a rock, and it turned tail and skittered away.

The rest of the hike back passed without incident - the car was where I left it; started up fine; made it back to my campsite, and then returned home the next day. But something about that encounter stuck with me - the way it initially wasn't frightened of me at all, and the way it approached me, kind of stealthily. It occurred to me later that, for a brief moment, it felt like I was being stalked by a rabbit.

And that was on a casual, six-hour hike on a pretty well-tended nature path. The notion of going hiking through back country - especially solo - is way past my comfort zone.

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