Any others without a support system?

It's hilarious and absurd how unaware my family and my doctors are of the extent of my health problems. Like, it's not terminal, but i have a chronic connective tissue disease, gastroparesis, coeliac disease/NCGS, my joints are loose and fucked up etc. and the two doctors i've seen about my problems have offered me either a) fiber supplements b) anti-depressants of c) more exercise.

The only reason i didn't kill myself two years ago is because of Google and self-diagnosis. I still struggle on a daily basis and my family thinks i'm completely insane and they've gone a bit mad in the process themselves. But hey, welcome to Finland.

Don't ever move here in case you want to get specialized healthcare. Rare diseases are something i think we struggle with the most and it is practically impossible to get quality care as there are only a handful of doctors in the country who even know about the existance of EDS and the regular physicians at the health centers are expected by the socialized, tax-funded healthcare system to find the most cost-efficient treatment option, which almost always translates to undertreatment and extreme skepticism towards the patient's symptoms.

/r/ehlersdanlos Thread