Anybody else think that Link in Wind Waker controls a little awkwardly?

I actually think all Zelda games since Wind Waker have retained that slightly awkward feel, probably because much of them is based on Wind Waker's engine/controls. I think a lot of it had to do with the lack of directional influence (being able to influence your momentum with the analog stick). There's a kind of stiffness to WW/TP/SS, and it got a lot better in BotW but it still seems to be there in a small way.

It's most apparent in the jump attack in BotW, which feels almost unforgivably stiff - almost exactly like it did in WW - in comparison to the actual non-combat movement controls. It feels too much like 1:1 animation playback, and not a fluid action that blends with everything else.

/r/zelda Thread