Anyone else ever feel this way?

;((( yes And not only. There are probably tons of ways I act to repel people away from me. First, because I reveal so little they don't show interest in me, then I get sad, then angry, then I put an "I dont need your friendship anyway" face in order to fool them and myself that its all ok. Thing is I dont think there is a way out of this slump. Even if you open up, how many people would want to deal with your problems? How many would want to go out with you knowing it is such a big deal for you? For most people its just too big of a hassle. And if you live in a big college city and attend a college then nobody will be put such an effort especially for you.

I literally dont know what to do and how to act anymore. Nothing I've been doing has worked so far, for years. First month of college I was trying to make friends saying hi and sitting next to people but like you said, I guess I was too boring for everyone. I didnt know how to be "one of the guys" and didnt have any hobbies or passions, didn't know how to talk about girls basically I dont know how to socialise, because I've never done it. So after a month I stopped trying to force it and just started to act like "I dont care" because Im was angry that nobody liked me and everyone was having SO much fun. Now when the second year is approaching I just dont know what to do, I wish having no friends was my only problem, Im 25 and havent had a friend nor a partner ever, my parents separated recently and are moving countries because of work and money (for a second time), I dont know if I can manage to graduate due to our financial situation and everything is just awful!

I feel so bad when I see other people having friends and partners and going on holidays and being healthy and fit and read books on the beach and go to the movies and the pool and make sandcastles and ride the waterslide and sit in a cafe and take group selfies. While meanwhile Im so depressed and am getting physically sick and weak too (joint problems). Poverty and social anxiety and depression and health and family the problems keep on piling on and on and on. Sorry for my terrible english, I just typed what was going on in my head.

/r/lonely Thread