Anyone else feel a bit crazy when they are deep in the writing process?

Goddammit stop being so nice. Anyway don't know what your hobbies are or much about you. But wanna be a good writer, here are some tips that helped me a lot:

-Read a lot, write a lot (Stephen King).

-I would like to add, read at a high level. You want to be smarter than your audience with regard to what you write. Read textbooks, really dense high level stuff. It will translate into your writing.

-Write Drunk, edit Sober, Ernest Hemingway This is the best advice I can give you. You know what happens to the brains of people when they are doing a very creative task? Their entire frontal lobe shuts down, except the part involved in self expression. It becomes hyperactive. If you want to recreate this effect, just type. Don't think just write like you're drunk and don't stop. The first few hundred words you write will be shit. But it gets better and better as your brain gets in the zone. You will find your writing to be more innovative, more creative, ideas you never thought of start arising. The part of the brain involved in critical thinking and self doubt shut down, allowing the self expressive/creative areas of the brain to take over. Ignore spelling errors, ignore stylistic errors, ignore stuff that doesn't make sense. You can fix it in the rewriting.

Most of your time should be spent on rewriting. The first (Drunk) draft, just type it like crazy and don't stop typing, don't even think. Just type as much as you can, you can always delete the bad parts when you're done or rewrite whole segments.

Also, suck my dick David.

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