Some late night thoughts about this industry & race

Okay, dude. I've come back on here especially to answer you.

First, the comment regarding my Viet wife and her Viet freinds isnt hypocritical. It was to highlight the short comings of writing things like 'as an asian' which is what the OP wrote, as if all Asian people are one homogenous group with the exact same feelings about everything.

I acknoweldge that Asian Americans have experienced racism around eating dogs and a whole heap of other things.

As a father to Asian American children, the eldest of whom wants to attend University in the USA this is a cause for concern. Yes to have that shouted at you must be extremely hurtful. But its on the idiot shouting, not you and all Asian people. Its sticks and stones, man.

The point is about the script in question - have you read it?

I have and it isn't racist because there is a dog meat culture in Northern Vietnam. Sure the subject is a sensitive one, isnt that part of the reason for stories they tell us truths about ourselves some of which is hard to hear.

Could the subject have been tackled in a racist manner? Absolutely. Say the script is about a ballsy white American college grad, Jessica Rose, who heads to Hanoi to do some English teaching and, with her wimpy British sidekick Toby, decides to take on the evil dog meat gangs on the streets of Hanoi - complete with mass fight scenes, where our ballsy heroine kicks beats up 30 Vietnamese attackers, all of them running at her going 'hiyaaaaa!' 'aaaaaieee!' and kind of bouncing on their toes waiting to get swiftly detached by a kung fu kick to the head.

That would be racist. That would be stereo typing. That would be offensive. 100%. But the script isnt like that at all. The protag is a Vietnamse boy for a start. I bet you haven't read the script. Have you read the script? As someone who has lived in Hanoi, albeit as an immigrant, it's pretty accurate.

Sure, I can understand an Asian American like the OP, upon hearing a movie about the dog meat trade in Hanoi is going into production, getting upset and thinking ...'oh no'....

A bit like the way I would feel if I heard there was a movie coming out about Jessica Rose, our ballsy white American college grad, who heads to Hanoi to do some English teaching and with her wimpy Britsh side kick Toby, decides to take on all the other teachers in Hanoi as they're all evil sexpats and pedophiles.

I'd think the same ...oh no....

Is there some truth in white men living in Asia are sexpats? I'm afraid there is. As much as it pains me to say this, there is. If a movie came out about white sexpat pedo 'teachers' in Asia would I be pumped? No I wouldn't. Would I applaud it if the subject was handled sensitively and actually worked to eradicate these perverts? Yes I would.

Is there some truth that Vietnamese people eat dogs? I'm afraid there is. As much as it pains me to say this and as much as I love Vietnam and Vietnamese people and Asian people, yes dogs are food for some people in this part of the world.

If a movie came out about dog meat would I be pumped? No, for the sake of my Asian American children. Would I applaud it if the subject was handled sensitively and actually worked to eradicate this practice? Yes I would.

Thanks for the advice on account deletion. This one will go as well. I'm here to talk screenplays, not whether stereo types have a place in modern movies or not.

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