Has anyone else here completely fucked up their sex drive?

Just abstain from everything for a few months and if you really need to, try one of those sex pills.

Rhinos are best because they're the most reliable and long lasting (About 3 days, so they're perfect for binging on a weekend with a girl)

They're ~$10 each at sex shops.. You can also find them at some gas stations and most head shops. (Hotels, stims, and fear of stimdick/desire to binge on sex led me to learn all this)

Extenze Plus is the cheapest, but they're hard to find. I've only found them at gas stations and they should be $4/5 pack.

You only need 2 if you're really dosing big, otherwise 1 is fine. My only complaint is that they only last a few hours and your recovery time isn't eliminated like it is by the rhino pills.

My girl and I like to go for hours and hours when we've got the time for it..

Drink lots of water and obviously don't combine these with stims if you have a heart condition.

Please, don't become dependent on them either.

/r/Stims Thread