What is the biggest financial mistake you have made?

Getting a credit card when I turned 18. It's not half bad of an idea to build credit if you're trying to get a mortgage at a young age.

The problem I had was investing on the side. I would basically front my living expenses onto the card, and invest my paycheck instead. I juggled this for a few months, paying it off in full, on time, etc. Went really well until I lost big on an options trade, while having a fairly large balance on the card.

Fairly large back then to me was $300. I straight was full blown panic mode if my balance was that high. I got a couple more cards though, since my credit score was higher and I could get better ones with lower APR's and better perks.

That's exactly what they want ya to do though. Here I am three short years later with almost $6,000 in debt making only $19/hr. With rent, phone bill, insurance, etc. I will not pay this debt off for years. It will/has kept growing.

TL;DR Don't get a fucking credit card

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