The concept of wasted potential

I have this to some extent too, some days are better than others but I have had to peptalk myself into brushing my teeth. I think it is related to RbN. I have an attentional disorder (my only diagnosis) which I understand is something that would be visible on a brain scan because those areas are underdeveloped. They would have been developing when I was a young kid. Things were not good so I'm not surprised that their development was probably stifled. Attentional disorders cause problems that look a lot like "laziness."

In addition to this, there is also a depression-like learned helplessness. Whatever I did as a kid, I always did it wrong, and it was never enough. And I was frequently accused of being lazy, despite them treating me like their own personal service staff (so, I was anything but). Now I've internalized the "lazy" label, tend to feel fear or hopelessness about doing things wrong so often not even starting them, and have had to slowly get over an aversion to a lot of age-inappropriate "chores" they used to have me do for them, that now I need to be able to do for myself.

I cognitively reject the "lazy" label but emotionally it still has a pull. Everytime I don't do or don't finish something I wanted to, it comes flying out with full force like a screaming banshee. LAZY!!!! ...I just have to keep rejecting it and eventually it will lose its power. At the same time, I have to keep managing my attentional disorder. I even have a little hope my brain could heal/grow in those areas, even though most people think it is set in childhood. There's been studies that show that brain plasticity continues in adulthood, to a lesser extent, but still possible. I'll do my best to fix their huge mistakes. Now how can that be lazy? It's not, and I bet you're not that lazy either. If you were truly lazy, you just wouldn't care.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread