We did it fellow skeletons! Voat has finally (very reluctantly) removed its subverses hosting child pornography!

My post got removed so I'll just share my favorite comments here

the best one credits to /u/meikyoushisui


If we ban pics of girls we should just do a sitewide ban of guy pics as well. We can't have feminists fingerbanging to underage boys.

In fact, let's just ban ANY pic just to be on the safe side.

This is really just a censorship issue. There's porn of all kinds on every single site out there. There's BARELY LEGAL TEEN porn which is extremely popular. Hell, even Brooke Shields and Traci Lords put underage porn into MAINSTREAM MOVIES.

Sure we shouldn't be sexualizing naked children, but if you're going to start banning legal content just for the sake of hoping to catch illegal content, how is that any different than an officer firing into the crowd of a flying robber with a shotgun just to make sure he gets the bad guy?

Do just like any other site: do your DUE DILIGENCE to remove any illegal content just as any site would. But it's definitely not your responsibility to police ALL content. That's just impossible. Even 4chan is notorious for DAILY KIDDIE PORN PICS. but the mods remove them as soon as they can because they CAN'T be held accountable for other people's posts otherwise reddit would likewise be held liable for ANY instance of an illegal pic.

Even Iggy Azalea made a child porn video where she tried to seduce an underage little boy with her pussy. That was allowed on YOUTUBE. So let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It's really not about the images themselves as much as the gatekeepers in charge of SEXUALIZING THE CONTEXT according to their feminist agenda.

I've seen pics on reddit of parents and strangers posting pics of naked kids playing in a bathtub or near the shower. If ALL naked children are to be removed, those would fall under 'illegal'.

If something is sexualizing a child in an obvious manner, we can remove it, no problem. But if someone is using their feminist liberal agenda to say "THAT is sexual TO ME" then we should tell them to fuck off. I mean social justice warriors support and still buy Lena Dunham's book where she admits to MOLESTING HER LITTLE SISTER. Except it's not considered molestation because the Social Justice Warriors are in charge of setting the context. Instead of Lena Dunham the CHILD MOLESTER touching her sister's vagina, it's warped into a fun childhood game of innocent curiosity. Again, it all depends on the gatekeepers interpretation of events.

Our goal should be to stand against censorship, not give it an excuse to GROW.


I understand that you need to protect the site but this is very disappointing to me. Many of us came over here because we hoped you would not be subject to outside pressures to ban questionable content. I understand the /v/truejailbait ban. They were explicitly encouraging people to post CP. But as a mod of /v/jailbait, myself and the other mod have been working diligently to ensure no illegal content is posted. We state very clearly on the sidebar what is acceptable, with a quote from yourself saying that we will not be playing wack-a-mole, and will comply with takedown requests. If this is going to happen I hope it will only be a temporary measure. On reddit it started with /r/jailbait and similar subs and culminated with the recent FPH banning. I don't want to see voat go down this road. Perplexed as to why we came over if this is going to be the case.

Top comment on the admin post is from a mod of the jailbait subverse... nice.


I personally think banning /v/truejailbait, /v/jailbait and /v/doxbin was the right choice because they were legal hazards. But banning /v/thefappening, which was legal and complied with all of Voat's regulations, feels like censorship.

Yup not having access to peoples nudes without their consent is literally censorship.


Yes. Like I already said in another thread, those subverses were being used by people from SRS to distribute child porn in order to take down voat.

Isn't the SRS boogyman getting a little bit out of control? I mean, the jailbait subs were created before fph was even banned. I counted 20 comments upvoted saying that SRS was behind all of this.


Jailbait was very strictly moderated to keep images of women that were fairly clearly 16 and over, the age of consent in voats host country. We immediately delete the things posted from SRS and other creeps. From gore, scat, ladyboys, everything.

thank god they removed the ladyboys, we wouldn't want them ruining our child porn.


OP, google search "teen girl nude", click on the images, report all those look 13 years old to google, if you really SJW about it. One advise, if it illegal, report to admin, cite your illegal laws about it, do not tell what you feels. For your good feeling, i would advise you to try find the subject or hobby you like, dont touch anything you dont know more, unless your hobby is SJW. Edit: btw, your google search setting need to turn off safe searching to show nudity. but i think most of us is not using safe searching anyway.

There we have it! We shouldn't care about anyone other than ourselves unless our hobby is SJWing (apparently that's a verb now).


But its the exact same shit as FPH being banned on Reddit. By banning subverses that have no proof of illegal activities or harassment, he is assuming responsibility for the moderation of the sites content. He is fucking up big time with this decision.

Allowing child exploitation is the EXACT SAME thing as banning fph. And we cant blame the admins or mods so we are powerless in this situation. I guess we just have to allow them to exist, oh well!


[the subverses should have] Absolutely not [been banned]. Because this is only the start. Tomorrow something else will become suddenly illegal. Next week something suddenly become too uncomfortable for Atko himself.

I'm not a big fan of calling out logical fallacies on the internet but this seems like one. I just cant remember the name of it...

This is where the slippery slope starts

Ah that's it, thank you!

and it ends in hell of censorship, "protection" of users and making this site "a better place for everyone". I hope I don't have to remind you that the exactly same things in the same order happened on reddit and also why most of you are here right now; and reading this comment.

You know these are the same people who claim SJWs are "oppressed" by everything. But every terrible crime prohibited is "censoring" another person. Two birds of the same feather.


As much as I like jailbait, I dont think it would be viable to leave your company up for future lawsuits.

what the fuck...

There is a big difference between what reddit does wrong and illegal content. Take an example of 4chan, its freedom of speech is glorious, even though they remove the illegal content.

Thats the example you use? 4chans glorious free speech? Don't they have a huge problem with CP and doxxing on their site? and removing them doesn't really help because the damage is already done?

Because the illegal content has nothing to do with calling someone a nigger or telling how jews are horrible people. Illegal content is not leftist authoritarianism and oppression. Its guys in suits salivating at the thought of removing a bastion of free speech. So just remove it. However, on what remains nobody should give even one inch. Not once, not by accident and not by some new moderator.

Yeah, its "Its guys in suits salivating at the thought of removing a bastion of free speech" that want to remove your child porn.


This is very disappointing to me, to put it mildly.

Yeah, I could see how people would be devastated after taking child porn away.

I understand your need to protect the site, and applaud your transparency as to the reasons. And I will note that I disagree with all of those subs, and consider them vile. But. There's a phrase: "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all". The reason I left Reddit was because of problems with censorship, and this is a first step on a slippery slope in that direction. If it is a problem in the country in which things are hosted, shift hosts.

POSTING CHILD PORN IS NOT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Never thought I would have to say that.

As such, I am leaving. I don't know where I shall go from here - at this point I feel very much an internet nomad, but it appears as though the place to settle down is not here.

I have a feeling he will settle down in prison.


Yes, we must ban/censor any images that are of nude kids on Voat. This is not the kind of censorship we should worry about but rather embrace. Can we all agree on this?

Nope. Sadly we can't.

/r/circlebroke Thread Link - voat.co