Has anyone had experience with their weight loss using meal replacement shakes? How did it go? Who’s did you like best ?

I steadily lost weight years back by replacing most of my diet with protein shake coffee (cool the coffee first, or it cooks the protein) and protein shake smoothies, both of which i really enjoy. I often ate a dinner but a lot of the time i, um, had another smoothie.

I was living in a house where i couldnt rely on the kitchen to be clean enough to cook; this wasnt my first choice for my diet at all.

you can use prot powders as a temporary mental reset, but weight loss Actually happens in long time frame... so, id siggest you try some breakfasts with protein powder, see if it's something youd like to have 5x a week or every other day. If it is, go for it. I'd really recommend it as breakfast over other meals as a starting place, and if you find an option that suits you, go with it.

/r/loseit Thread