Has anyone had experience with any cryptids or paranormal while at any national parks or woodlands?

Went camping with a few friends in the Ozark National Forest in Northern Arkansas back in 2012. My buddy B and I got up there a few days early to get a good camping spot for Rocktoberfest (it's an off-road/rock crawling competition). We ended getting this really good spot on the edge of the campground that nestled up along an open field they use as a small airfield and that was on the edge of a small river that ran through the campground. The other bank of the river had a tall stone cliff then led into the forest. The first night we were there, we were sitting by the campfire around midnight or so talking and knocking back some brews when we heard this ungodly shriek/wailing noise come out of the darkness...and it sounded close as hell. Now, being at the edge of the grounds with the closest people being a hundred yards or so away from us, we freaked out and started to run. Then the liquid courage kicked in and we ran to the bank of the river with our flashlights and hotdog pokers yelling into the darkness. That sound is still stuck in my head. When we got back home, we looked up to see what it could've been and low and behold, there's something called the Fouke Monster/Southern Sasquatch in Arkansas. My buddy found some website that logs sitings and one of them is right around the area we camped in. There's a whole article on Wikipedia about the history if you're bored/interested.

/r/Paranormal Thread