Anyone have regrets about going in to Accounting?

When I was in my sophomore year of college I was kinda doubting if accounting was for me. I had started my business and it was essentially booming at this time, then I had to shut down the business due to legal issues (it's a long story, lol). So then I had to figure out where to go. Either go back to school or do something else. I looked around at other jobs that didn't require a college degree but also made good money: security guard, truck driver, trash collector, oil worker etc. None of them really appealed to me. I also looked at other academic subjects (engineering, maths etc.) and I pretty much sucked at all of them as well. Accounting was something that I was actually pretty good at and I liked business so it was a good combination. So yeah, I have looked into many other professions and accounting is my favorite. I can say that with confidence.

Accounting on this subreddit, ironically, gets a lot of crap but I think that is because many on here haven't really done anything significant outside of accounting and accounting gets the stereotype as being boring.

Accounting as a profession has a lot going for it:

1) Good job security compared to other professions

2) People actually highly respect you if you are a CPA and you know what you are talking about in terms of accounting/tax. Compare that with other jobs like cashier, stock boy, auto mechanic etc., most of those people are treated like shit and people treat them like they are lower than pond scum.

3) Good income with advancement opportunities. There are many jobs where the occupation hits a glass ceiling. Once you make that amount then you are very unlikely to get a raise. My first job had a pay cap of $10/hr which everyone hit after a year of working there...needless to say, there was very little incentive to actually work hard.

4) You will most likely be working in an air conditioned office building, protected from cold/hot/bad weather.

/r/Accounting Thread