Anyone Wonder if They Just Might Be Slightly Narcissistic?

This. I’m obsessed with the way I look but not in a good way. Always criticizing myself and comparing to other people. Turns out some of my features are what society deems unattractive, and I found this out by reading about objective beauty. Ex: Wide eyes = beautiful.. I have close- and deep-set eyes that make me look crosseyed/inbred. Full lips and wide mouth = beautiful.. I have crooked thin lips/narrow mouth. Among other things, I’m a combination of all of the ugliest features. It’s horrible because my mom has objective beauty and she’s gorgeous even at 50. I’m a genetic disaster. That’s why I’m obsessed. I want to fix this and feel beautiful. Working on saving up for surgery, at least for what I can change.

/r/BodyDysmorphia Thread Parent