Apartment/Condo Hunting: Does NO ONE have pets in Vancouver?

Landlords in Ontario cannot deny you pets.

They can let you know they don't like them before signing an agreement, and you can damage your relationship by bringing one in without consent, but they cannot refuse to rent or kick you out explicitly for having a pet after the agreement is signed.

Generally, unless it's mentioned somewhere by the landlord, you would just move in with one and carry on with life.


I do admit that nothing is every perfect, and reality can differ, but it's a hell of a lot better than it is here in Vancouver currently.

I've just started school, and about to leave my job to focus on my new career, and if we had to move for any reason with our one fat puddle of purring fur we'd be entirely fucked. That would have a very high probability of requring me to quit school, and for us to move closer to family in Alberta, like perhaps their basement. I'm 30 years old and make decent money, with a partner who also makes decent money, and it's absurd.

It's a cherry on the shit-sandwich that is the current housing landscape.

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