Apparently verified owners/players of the game give overwhelmingly positive reviews.

So work for a small start-up tech company that sells water filters and other water treatment stuff on sites like Amazon. I work in digital marketing and my whole job basically boils down to growing reviews online, especially on Amazon.

Amazon regularly deletes unverified reviews, especially if a product suddenly gains hundreds or thousands of them. For example, like when people want to hate on a game they haven't played so they all leave fake nasty reviews online to be funny or fan the hate even farther.

The same goes for every other big name online retailer. I haven't looked into the article any farther than this thread, but given my work experience with online reviews and Amazon, I would say it is more than possible that the article was written at a time that there were that many unverified reviews and Amazon wiped them because they all looked fake.

That would explain how the article got it's numbers and why you wouldn't see them now.

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