Are you afraid to die? Why or why not?

TW: Suic*de

I’m not afraid to die. I’ve come very, very close to dying from my suicide attempts. I’ve tried drinking bleach, crashing my car, and overdosing. I really have no idea how or why I’m alive, but living after trying to die so many times really changed how I look at death. Before my attempts I never realized how much people really care, and watching my loved ones cry because they came so close to losing me was terrifying. I never realized how precious life is until after all of my attempts. I don’t think the scariest thing about death is the afterlife or whatever tf happens after we die. I know that’s what a lot of people are afraid of, but we will never have control over that and we will never truly know what happens. The scariest thing about death is knowing that the people you leave behind will be devastated by the fact that they’ll never have another moment with the person they once loved so much. It sounds corny as fuck, but make the most out of every moment. That’s why I’m not afraid of death. I don’t have to be scared of death when I know that I can choose to make the most out of my life and be as loving and appreciative as possible to my people while I’m here. Even if I died tomorrow, at least I’ll die knowing that I tried my best and made people feel loved.

/r/AskReddit Thread