Why are employers so hell bent on going back to the office when the same quality work can be done from home? Is this the ultimate power trip?

u/womannotagirl and u/tro_pod statements are absolutely correct.

Here are additional reasons mayors like Eric Adams and Middle Management want you back in the office -

  • Tax Revenue
  • Toll Revenue
  • Parking Fees Revenue
  • Train and Rail Fees Revenue
  • Paying for high priced food
  • Paying for high priced goods and services

If you haven’t figured it out, public transportation (trains specifically) is nerfed. And the Stroads in America are well, a mess. Cities want revenue. Bikes and walking doesn’t generate cash flow.

Your car tolls and parking fees are more valuable to cities like NYC than train riders. But any city (should) get a cut of the rail revenue. They would be stupid not to.

/r/antiwork Thread